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About PAA

Expert care when you need it most.

Our Mission, Vision, and Values

We provide an unwavering service in all that we do and for everyone we serve, with a strong commitment to each of our core values.

What is an Anesthesiologist?

We are medical doctors just like your surgeon or primary care physician, but we have gained additional years of training after medical school specifically for keeping patients safe during the perioperative period.

What’s Our Role?

PAA anesthesiologists are the directors of your anesthesia care team. We are there for you from the preanesthetic evaluation, to executing anesthesia in the operating room, to the post-anesthesia care unit and so much more.

Our Practice

Founded in 1991, Providence Anesthesiology Associates (PAA) is an independent private practice of more than 140 anesthesiologists. Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, we provide unparalleled anesthesia and perioperative care at a growing list of hospitals and healthcare facilities across North and South Carolina, serving more than 232,000 patients annually.

Your invoice should include a prefix
(PAA, PIN, AAP, WAT). If your invoice
does NOT include a prefix, please
contact PAA at 705.749.5081.

Your invoice should include a prefix
(PAA, PIN, AAP, WAT). If your invoice
does NOT include a prefix, please
contact PAA at 705.749.5081.